

A schema loading tool for ScalarDL. Current chart version is 3.0.0-SNAPSHOT


Key Type Default Description
schemaLoading.cassandraReplicationFactor int 1 The replication factor value of the Cassandra schema. This is a Cassandra specific option.
schemaLoading.cassandraReplicationStrategy string "SimpleStrategy" The replication strategy of the Cassandra schema. This is a Cassandra specific option.
schemaLoading.commandArgs list [] Arguments of Schema Loader. You can specify several args as array.
schemaLoading.contactPoints string "cassandra" The database contanct point such as a hostname of Cassandra or a URL of Cosmos DB account.
schemaLoading.contactPort int 9042 The database port number. (Ignored if the database is cosmos.)
schemaLoading.cosmosBaseResourceUnit int 400 The resource unit value of the Cosmos DB schema. This is a Cosmos DB specific option.
schemaLoading.database string "cassandra" The database to which the schema is loaded. cassandra and cosmos are supported.
schemaLoading.databaseProperties string "" If you want to customize database.properties, you can override this value with your database.properties.
schemaLoading.dynamoBaseResourceUnit int 10 The resource unit value of the DynamoDB schema. This is a DynamoDB specific option.
schemaLoading.existingSecret string "" Name of existing secret to use for storing database username and password
schemaLoading.image.pullPolicy string "IfNotPresent" Specify a imagePullPolicy
schemaLoading.image.repository string "ghcr.io/scalar-labs/scalardl-schema-loader" Docker image
schemaLoading.image.version string "4.0.0-SNAPSHOT" Docker tag
schemaLoading.imagePullSecrets list [{"name":"reg-docker-secrets"}] Optionally specify an array of imagePullSecrets. Secrets must be manually created in the namespace.
schemaLoading.password string "cassandra" The password of the database. For Cosmos DB, please specify a key here.
schemaLoading.schemaType string "ledger" Type of schema to apply (ledger or auditor).
schemaLoading.secretName string "" Secret name that includes sensitive data such as credentials. Each secret key is passed to Pod as environment variables using envFrom.
schemaLoading.username string "cassandra" The username of the database. (Ignored if the database is cosmos.)